Welcome to

    All meals are served with homemade hands

    It is beautifully designed in a very smart way to bring the best user experience that you will love.


    Delivery: 11:30am - 08:15pm

    Lunch time: 11:30am - 02:15pm

    Open today: 05:00pm - 08:15pm

    Sorry we are not accepting online orders right now, please call us on 0412 080 203 to place your order.
    Burger Deal
    Free Drink Deal
    Chicken Deal
    Burger Fries Deal
    Click the Download button to get a copy of our menu
    Grab a copy of our menu here.

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    About Us

    About us

    The Aleppian Restaurant

    Our family are excited to announce the opening of Brisbane’s very first Aleppian restaurant. Located in shop 8/27 Discovery Drive North Lakes overlooking Lake Eden and with easy parking, offering eat in, take away and home delivery delicious Aleppian food, unique to middle eastern countries and well known for its history, ingredients and taste. Patrons can be assured all our ingredients are prepared especially for our restaurant and we are confident you will be surprised by your experience with us.